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Terms and Conditions


Concept2: Coöperatie Concept2 Benelux U.A.; Coöperatie Concept2 Benelux U.A. located at Schweitzerlaan 22, 1187JD in Amstelveen, Chamber of Commerce: kvk 58679170

The customer: natural persons, businesses, firms, corporations, associations and organisations.

Our Mission

It is of the utmost importance to Concept2 that its products are of the highest quality and meet the customer’s expectations. If something is wrong or if a product doesn’t meet your expectations, please contact us as soon as possible, so we can solve the problem.


All charges are in € (euro) and include VAT, unless stated otherwise.

Price per article group

Indoor Rower/SkiErg: the prices displayed in our online shop for the Indoor Rower and the SkiErg include shipping charges.

Other articles: the price displayed in our online shop does not include shipping charges. Depending on the article, the shipping costs are displayed in the online shop. We ship orders over € 240 for free.

Offers and quotations

We do not offer discounts on the displayed prices, unless we have a written agreement. Quotations only apply to the number and type of items stated in the quotation, and can only be used by the addressee. All written offers are valid for 30 days unless stated otherwise.


Payments in the online shop: payment through iDEAL (Dutch bank account) or MrCash (Belgian bank account), unless otherwise agreed.

Pay after delivery: payment within 10 days from date of invoice, unless both parties have agreed on a different term. Concept2 is free to demand advance payment. Concept2 demands advance payment for orders over € 240, unless otherwise agreed.

Standing order

The customer and Concept2 can agree on payment by direct debit. The terms and conditions of the bank apply for this type of payment. Signing for the direct debit is not the same as actually making the payment. The customer has met his/her obligation to pay only when the full payment has been made and the banks involved have not made any claims.


Concept2 Benelux only delivers within Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, unless otherwise agreed. Concept2 is not liable for late deliveries. It is not possible to claim damages for late or cancelled orders.


Concept2 sends invoices electronically, unless otherwise agreed.

Product warranties

Concept2 is not liable for direct or indirect damages caused by faults and/or defects of Concept2 products. Concept2 guarantees that the products it delivers can do what can be reasonably expected from them. If the customer thinks a defect or problem should be covered by our warranty, he/she should immediately, or at least within 8 days after the defect or problem presented itself, inform Concept2. If needed, Concept2 can ask for the product to be sent to Concept2’s address for evaluation.

Warranty conditions per article group

Indoor Rower: the indoor rower is a machine designed to simulate the rowing sequence. The Indoor Rower is backed by a 1-year warranty for professional use and a 2-year warranty for private use. The warranty does not cover normal wear, batteries, improper use or molestation.

SkiErg: the SkiErg is a machine designed to simulate the Nordic Skiing movement. The SkiErg is backed by a 5-year warranty for the frame and a 2-year warranty for the parts subject to wear.

Oars: oars are designed to move rowing boats over water. Damages caused by collisions, pikes, transport or ‘tubbing’ (rowing ‘at full strength’ with fewer rowers than present in the boat) aren’t backed by the warranty.

Clothing: clothing is warranted insofar as can be reasonably expected. A garment may be changed for a different size within 10 days, if unworn. Differences in colour (nuances) are not backed by our warranty.

Other articles: other articles are warranted insofar as can be reasonably expected.


Concept2 is not liable for any damages or injuries sustained while using its products. Nor is Concept2 liable for any damages resulting from a defect or other issues with the products.


Concept2 is free to determine whether a defect backed by the warranty should be repaired or whether the product is to be replaced. Shipping costs to and from the repair shop are to be paid by the customer, unless otherwise agreed. Concept2 isn’t obliged to provide for a replacement article for the time it takes to repair the product. The same goes for articles that have to be returned to the manufacturer for repair.

Repair or replacement time

For all repairs, the customer may expect these to be repaired or replaced within 30 days.


If the customer isn’t satisfied with any part of the received articles, oars or Indoor Rowers, or with the invoice, he/she can file a written complaint within 8 days after product delivery. Complaints have to be in writing and in time, otherwise no rights can be claimed. Filing a complaint doesn’t relieve the customer of his/her obligation to pay.

Returning items

Returning standard Concept2 products: if the customer – for any reason – decides not to buy a product, he/she has the right to return it to Concept2 within 10 working days after delivery and to cancel the sale. Return shipments are only accepted when the product is unused and its original packaging is undamaged. If Concept2 has already received payment for this product (including shipping costs), this will be reimbursed within 30 days after cancellation. The customer will pay the costs for the return shipment. We advise the customer to ensure the product for its return shipment.

Returning products specially made for the customer: standard terms for returning items do not apply to products, such as oars, which have been made to order. An order for these products is irrevocable the moment the manufacturer starts with the production of the ordered products.

Conditional ownership

The delivered goods remain in Concept2’s ownership until the purchase price and (any possible) additional costs that are part of the purchase agreement are paid in full. If the customer wishes to resell products, he/she has to have Concept2’s written approval.

Product trial

If Concept2 places a product on trial or sends a product on approval, the product will remain in the ownership of Concept2 the entire time. If the customer decides to purchase the product, it will remain in Concept2’s ownership until all claims, on whichever legal grounds, have been paid in full. The warranty period begins the moment the machine enters the customer’s building (= from the first day of the trial period). From that time till the product has been paid for, the customer will care for the placed products with due diligence.

If the customer hasn’t made it known within 14 days after the agreed trial period (30 days maximum) he or she wants to buy the product, Concept2 will assume the sale has been agreed upon.


Departures from these terms and conditions will only be binding upon Concept2 when Concept2 has explicitly acknowledged this departure in writing.

If the purchasing requirements of the customer differ from or contradict these general terms of delivery, only these lasts will be valid. Also in case the customer makes an appeal and Concept2 hasn’t explicitly contradicted the terms in this specific case.

Customer confirmations against these general terms of delivery are only binding upon Concept2 when Concept2 has explicitly acknowledged these in writing. The general terms of delivery will also be valid if parts of it would not apply for any reason whatsoever.